6th May 2019


Statement: Romeo is an impulsive character who lets his emotions dictate his actions. Quotation: “.. and fire-ey’d fury be my conduct now!” Explanation: To ‘conduct’ something means to control or lead it. Romeo is stating here that his ‘fire-eyd fury’ (anger), was directing his actions at that moment. This causes him to kill Tybalt out of impulse rage.

Statement: Juliet hints at the ending of the play without knowing it. Quotation: “Methinks I see thee, now thou art below, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb. Either my eyesight fails, or thou look’st pale” Explanation: Juliet actually foreshadows Romeo’s death in the play by stating her premonition by her ‘ill-divining soul’. She says, “Methinks I see thee, now thou art below, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb. Either my eyesight fails, or thou look’st pale”, explains that he looks pale, almost dead from her view above the balcony. She has a gut feeling that he is going to die. Romeo tries to reassure her that this will not happen and that sadness takes away the colour of them both that is why they are pale, yet the prologue us that Juliets guess is correct and that “A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.

Statement: Shakespeare uses a ship metaphor to communicate the idea of fate being in control of Romeo’s life. Quotation: Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on. The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark!” Explanation: Romeo says this just before he drinks the poison and dies. He uses a metaphor by comparing the poison to the ‘desperate pilot’ steering his life, the ship or ‘bark’, into the rocks. Basically asking the poison, who is steering the ship of his life to crash his life into the rocks and end.

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